Apr 15, 2020
In this episode, Therese Markow and Dr. Gabriel Danovitch discuss the history of solid organ transplantation, how the organ donation list works, and the standards for donation, from both living and deceased donors. Kidneys are the most transplanted of solid organs. In some countries, poor people are exploited to sell a kidney which is then used in a transplant tourist. With the Declaration of Istanbul in 2008, stronger standards were put into place to protect both the recipient and the donor involved in a transplant. While this has helped reduce organ trafficking, certain countries are still exploiting underprivileged groups to sell their kidneys. Because genetic matching can be overcome by modern medicine, almost any healthy person can serve as a donor. Dr. Danovitch continually reinforces the importance organ donation as a society value, and a value completely separated from any financial incentives.
Key Takeaways:
"A donor needs to be healthy and motivated, and then we can find a way to make that transplant happen, whether they’re matched or not." — Dr. Gabriel Danovitch
Connect with Dr. Gabriel Danovitch:
David Geffen School of Medicine
University of California at Los Angeles
United Network for Organ Sharing: UNOS.org
Connect with Therese:
Website: www.criticallyspeaking.net
Twitter: @CritiSpeak
Email: theresemarkow@criticallyspeaking.net
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