Apr 29, 2020
Dr. Christie Wilcox has had a lifelong love of animals and creatures, and not just those of the cute and cuddly variety. Her love of these creatures evolved into her academic and now professional career as an award-winning science writer, including the popular book Venomous. In this episode, Therese Markow and Dr. Christie Wilcox discuss the types of species that make venoms, how the venoms are delivered, and their modes of action on their victims. We are aware of some venomous species, such as rattlesnakes or cobras. But others are less well known, such as the platypus, and others exist, such as the mongoose, that are immune to venoms.
Key Takeaways:
"Not every bite or sting from a deadly species is going to be deadly. Some of that depends on the animal and what it delivers, where it delivers it, and how much it delivers." — Dr. Christie Wilcox
Connect with Dr. Christie Wilcox:
Twitter: @NerdyChristie
Facebook: Christie Wilcox, Ph.D.
Website: ChristieWilcox.com
Book: Venomous: How Earth’s Deadliest Creatures Mastered Biochemistry
Connect with Therese:
Website: www.criticallyspeaking.net
Twitter: @CritiSpeak
Email: theresemarkow@criticallyspeaking.net
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