Jun 17, 2020
Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) real? Dr. Stephen V. Faraone, distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience at SUNY Upstate Medical University and author of over 700 scientific articles and five books, speaks critically about this controversial condition, what it is, why it needs to be recognized early and the best treatment initiated as early as possible.
In this episode, Therese Markow and Stephen Faraone discuss:
Key Takeaways:
"ADHD is a disorder that can have serious consequences. It is also one of the disorders that are easiest to treat with available medications." — Stephen Faraone
Connect with Stephen Faraone:
Twitter: @stephenfaraone
Book: Straight Talk about Your Child's Mental Health
LinkedIn: Stephen Faraone, Ph.D.
Connect with Therese:
Website: www.criticallyspeaking.net
Twitter: @CritiSpeak
Faraone, S.V. & Antshel, K. ADHD: Non-Pharmacologic Interventions Elsevier, 2014
Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it.