Jun 30, 2021
When most of us think of climate change, we think of global warming - that everything's getting hotter. We also know that this is a simplification. Other climate features, like rainfall and humidity, change as well. While the term global is used, there's considerable variation from one geographic area to another with respect to what kinds of changes are happening. An important, but often overlooked, aspect of climate change is its influence on infectious disease. In this episode, Therese Markow and Dr. Luis Escobar discuss what these diseases are, how we can see a growth in the bacteria that are directly influenced by climate, and how different elements play a role in the rate and spread of these diseases.
Key Takeaways:
"Mosquitos are the most lethal animals and kill more people than any other animal in the world. Mosquitos transmit many diseases, including malaria, dengue, West Nile, yellow fever, zika, chikungunya, and filariasis." — Dr. Luis Escobar
Connect with Dr. Luis Escobar:
Professional Bio: https://www.globalchange.vt.edu/dr-luis-escobar/
Connect with Therese:
Website: www.criticallyspeaking.net
Twitter: @CritiSpeak
Email: theresemarkow@criticallyspeaking.net
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