Jul 24, 2019
Dr. Richard P. Phelps is founder of the Nonpartisan Education
Group, editor of Nonpartisan Education Review (http://nonpartisaneducation.
In this episode, Therese Markow and Dr. Richard Phelps discuss the education system in the United States, especially in comparison with Western Europe and other industrialized societies. They look at how Common Core, No Child Left Behind, and the changes to the SAT test have affected the curriculum, learning, and student preparedness both for further education as well as life after school. These trends in educational standards and standardized tests continue to impede our students compared to those of the industrialized world. Students from all levels and backgrounds are affected by these programs and the changes that need to be made are discussed.
Key Takeaways:
"Most information is not on the world wide web, much of what is there is wrong, and search rankings are easily manipulated by money and interests." — Dr. Richard Phelps
Connect with Dr. Richard Phelps:
Twitter: @RichardPPhelps
Website: RichardPhelps.net & N
Research Gate: Richard P Phelps
SSRN Scholarly Papers: Richard P. Phelps
Academia: Richard P Phelps
LinkedIn: Richard P Phelps
LinkedIn Learning: Richard P Phelps
Connect with Therese:
Website: www.
Twitter: @CritiSpeak