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Critically Speaking

Aug 26, 2020

The obesity epidemic has very complex and interacting drivers. But thinking about obesity at the pandemic is even more important.   Obesity is a major preexisting risk for COvID19.  With people cooped up inside, eating in their homes, it’s critical that consumers be extra aware of the products they buy and managing...

Aug 19, 2020

In this episode, Therese Markow and Dr. Raid Amin discuss what cancer clusters or cancer hot spots are and how they get their official designation. In today’s society where there are many types of cancers and hot spots appear to be associated with particular geographic areas across the UNited states.   Cancer...

Aug 12, 2020

Glenn Morrison is a professor in Environmental Science and Engineering with a primary interest in chemical and transport phenomena in building environments. These phenomena help us understand, but also control, human exposure to chemicals and particles that are released or transformed indoors. Dr. Morrison has directed...

Aug 5, 2020

Bats, bats everywhere...except in the arctic and antarctic. Bats are about ⅕ of the total species of mammals in the world, and yet, we don’t know a lot about them and we cannot pinpoint how many species of bats there are in the world. Bats have been in the media more and more in recent years in regards to diseases...