Oct 27, 2021
Many people have addictions. While much of the time we think of substance addictions, such as drugs or alcohol, there is an increasing rise in behavioral addictions as well, which are often not viewed in society as addictions however real they are and however many issues they cause. Where are these addictions...
Oct 20, 2021
Sexual assaults of women, men, and children are always in the news. We know a lot about this when it comes to little children, but for adults, especially women, what constitutes a sexual assault? Lack of consent, forced intimate relations? How does one prove an assault took place? Often the information provided...
Oct 13, 2021
As the world experiences the continuation of the COVID-19 virus, we see a growing number of COVID-19 survivors who continue to have symptoms for weeks and even months after the acute phase of their disease subsided. These individuals have gained the name COVID-19 Long Haulers. What's this all about? What's happening to...
Oct 6, 2021
Some people live more than a hundred years with no health problems and very little cognitive decline. How come? While healthy lifestyles certainly play a part in healthy aging, these “centenarians” share a number of special biological attributes. Furthermore, these attributes, along with attaining an age of 100...